Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Peace Remained

Friday, May 17, 2013

Don't Make Great Art

Don't try to make great art, I tell myself.  Just make your art, the art that flows from you, that reflects you, I continue.  Great art doesn't matter.  What matters I tell myself, is to enjoy life  and to reflect my life in the work I do.  I should listen to me.  I could be making sense.

The Past

change the world

Thursday, April 11, 2013


For the past two months I have been writing a poem a day in a little poetry diary of sorts.  All of the poems are rough drafts and most will probably never be fully finished poems, but I did want to share one daily poem  I wrote, because it seems to go with this poem:

I Want 2/1/2013

Part of me has always wanted to be a good person.
Not the part that makes good decisions, unfortunately.
I feel all conflicted.  I have a bifurcated soul -- I am not confused.
I am not an accidentally bad person, I'm bad on purpose.
I do not steal, or fornicate, unless you go to that lust in your heart
part.  I am not cruel to animals, but a lack of faults does not
make me faultless.  A list of sins I have never committed
does not make me sinless.  Having perfection by omission
does not, in the least sense make me perfect.  My one and only
perfection is in being perfectly selfish.  I want, I want, I want.

In the Collage poem, what I hope, is that I am starting to see the possibility of putting my bad memories to rest, or at least to see them with some degree of perspective.  What I hope for now, as I approach the age of 63 is that I can find some balance in my life, and feel content with that place.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Collage Poetry Pinterest Page

I started a Pinterest page dedicated to collage poetry.  Much of it is my work, but I added some other people's work as well.  If you do any collage poetry and would like to post it there I'd be honored.

Friday, February 1, 2013

They'll Just Roll Their Eyes


I was always pissed off
Because I'm a dork.  I've made a habit of  not
I wasn't who
I wanted to be.        In good times or bad
                                     I looked like
                      with a frickin' mental illness.
                       All I can say is I'm not
                      satisfied with my lousy life.
                             Will I change me?
just rolling with the punches.  
                         They'll just roll their eyes.